Eco-friendly Home Cleaning Services.
Housekeeping NYC
- 6 recurring service.
- three-hour per service
- housekeeping services to tidy-up.
Eco-friendly Housekeeping Services.
Bathroom Cleaning
- Cleaners will wipe down the windowsill and windows.
- Cleaners will dust and wipe off visible surfaces.
- Cleaners will vacuum and mop the floor.
- Cleaners will wash and sanitize toilets, sinks, and bathtubs.
- Cleaners will clean and sanitize mirrors, chrome fixtures, and all door handles.
Bedroom Cleaning
- Cleaners will wipe down visible surfaces.
- Cleaners will vacuum and mop the floor.
- Cleaners will change and replace the bedsheets.
- Cleaners will wipe down the windowsills and windows.
Maid Services NYC
Living-room Cleaning
- Cleaners will wipe and dust all visible surfaces and furniture.
- Cleaners will clean windows and windowsills.
- Cleaners will empty trash and recycle bins.
- Cleaners will vacuum and mop the floors.
Kitchen Cleaning
- Cleaners will sanitize all appliances’ countertops, sinks, furniture, and fronts.
- Cleaners will clean the inside of the microwave.
- Cleaners will clean sinks
- Cleaners will clean windows and windowsills.
- Cleaners will clean the stovetop.
- Cleaners will vacuum and mop the floor.